In this book, I will take you by the hand and guide you on an eight-step path to more self-confidence in dealing with uncertainty. I also give you the tools to create positive relationships with yourself and others. You will develop important soft skills, highly requested in today’s work environments, including:
- Effective communication and active listening
- Flexibility, adaptability, and openness toward change
- Engaging and motivating others
- Making steps toward your goals, even if you don’t feel totally prepared
- Being charismatic
Sharpen all of the abilities necessary to build and manage successful teams, like work groups, families, and friends. Are you ready? Let’s go!

The book is available also in Italian,“Improvvisare per Vincere”. Click Here

Watch the Book Trailer, click here.



I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach and leadership trainer since 2007. For 17 years, I’ve been the Executive Education Director of CIMBA Italy. I was trained in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In this book, I integrate my professional experience in the management and coaching fields with the essential principles of improv, creating a unique training approach. I’m not a theater actress, but thanks to some improv courses I took at the Second City school in Chicago, I noticed how many common points the art of improv shares with coaching and leadership training. I then built an eight-step training program, sharing with the public how I overcame some remarkable life challenges thanks to the principles of improv.

Italian version is also available. Click here

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